Team members:

  • Olga Valverde
  • Marta Portero


Contact email:
[email protected]

Neurobiology of Behaviour Research Group
(UPF-NeuroBio) – Barcelona, Spain

Neurobiology of Behaviour Research Group (GReNeC) is a research lab of the UPF, which is also affiliated to the Hospital del Mar Research Institute (IMIM) because of its translational focus. It is recognized and financed by the Catalan Government (SGR2009/684; SGR2014/34). Our research group is located at PRBB.

GReNeC has focused its activities in experimental research in neuroscience, investigating patho-physiological questions relating to neurological and psychiatric disorders. In particular, it has a wide expertise in the phenotyping murine models and in the study of the neurobiological substrates of drug addiction, stress-related and affective disorders and the comorbidity among drug abuse and major depression. The GReNeC combines classical behavioural and pharmacological strategies with neurochemical, molecular and genetic approaches, including the use of genetically modified animal models, providing a sophisticated tool to study behavioural neuroscience. GReNeC staff is actively involved in graduate and postgraduate teaching activities in UPF, in particular in the MSc on Neuroscience (UPF-UB) and in the Biomedicine PhD Programme that has been recently distinguished as the “Mención hacia la Excelencia” (Spanish Ministry of Education). GReNeC is also integrated in the Addictive Disorders Network (RETIC-RTA) of the Spanish agency ISCIII, which facilitates the collaboration between the GReNeC and several research groups. GReNeC has a wide experience in participating in research projects funded by the European Commission (NEWMOOD, GENADDICT, PHECOMPT) and the US National Institutes of Health (NIDA), and other research funding agencies.