MedBioinformatics 10th General Assembly Meeting

The tenth and last General Assembly meeting of the MedBioinformatics project took place in Barcelona on April 17th 2018 at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park, after the 3rd European Conference on Translational Bioinformatics, where partners presented their recent scientific outcomes in oral communications and some in poster format. This last meeting had representatives of all MedBioinformatics partners. The programme was focused …

MedBioinformatics supported the ECTB18

The 3rd European Conference on Translational Bioinformatics (ECTB 2018) took place at the at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park on the 16 and 17th of April of 2018. The 136 conference attendees, from over 15 nationalities around the world, contributed to oral communications, posters and round table of this 2 day event. The organizers of this ECTB edition announced that the …

MedBioinformatics 9th General Assembly Meeting

The ninth General Assembly meeting of the MedBioinformatics project took place in Barcelona on November 28th and 29th 2017 at the Centre Cellex of Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology. This two-day meeting was focused on presenting the updates and final planning of activities and deliverables to face the last phase of the project, due to April 2018. Prof Andreas Zimmer …

MedBioinformatics 8th General Assembly Meeting

The eighth General Assembly meeting of the MedBioinformatics project took place in Hinxton on June 14th 2017 at the Wellcome Genome Campus. This one-day meeting was focused on presenting updates from research activities of all project partners and to define a workplan to accomplish the goals of the project, with special attention to the various use cases being developed in …

MedBioinformatics 7th General Assembly Meeting

The seventh General Assembly meeting of the MedBioinformatics project took place in Barcelona on March 2nd 2017 at the Barcelona Scientific Park. This one-day meeting was focused on presenting the objectives and roadmap for getting feedback for the third iteration with the end users, on presenting the advances in the development of the various tools since the last GAM, as …

Symposium “Private Health Data in the cloud” in collaboration with PanCanRisk

On December 14th 2016 it took place in Barcelona the Symposium “PRIVATE HEALTH DATA IN THE CLOUD”, which counted with the attendance of 26 people. This event, jointly organized by the PanCanRisk and the MedBioinformatics projects, targeted mainly research groups and organizations, students, project managers, patients and legal advisors interested in the protection of health data, especially genetic data. The …

MedBioinformatics 6th General Assembly Meeting

Barcelona hosted the sixth General Assembly meeting of the MedBioinformatics project on November 3-4 2016, which counted with the attendance of 38 people from the different organisations and research groups involved in the project, including St. Joan de Déu Hospital as Associate Partner. The meeting counted with the special attendance of four members of both the Scientific and the Ethics …

IRB-Barcelona joins the MedBioinformatics consortium as partner

After leading the University Pompeu Fabra Biomedical Genomics group for the last 10 years, Dr Núria López-Bigas has joined the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) as leader of an interdisciplinary research group of 14 that includes engineers, biologists, clinicians, and mathematicians that will keep working on developing computational methods for identifying genetic mutations responsible for the generation of tumours. …

MedBioinformatics 5th General Assembly Meeting

Barcelona hosted the fifth General Assembly meeting of the MedBioinformatics project on June 21-21 2016, which counted with the attendance of 30 people from the different organisations and research groups involved in the project. The meeting was focused on presenting the advancement done in the definition of the various use cases developed for adapting the tools to the different medical …

MedBioinformatics supported the ECTB 2016

The “1st European Conference on Translational Bioinformatics” (ECTB 2016) took place at the Ceremonial Hall of the University of Copenhagen during April 26-27. During these two days, 150 delegates and world-leading scientists on bioinformatics, systems biology, chemoinformatics, medical informatics, biology and medicine met to present the recent advancements and discuss the important challenges in the field. The ECTB 2016 was organized …