Team members:
- Joan Albanell
- Ignasi Tusquets
- Clara Montagut
- Ana Rovira
- Joana Vidal
Contact email:
[email protected]
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics is a research group of IMIM leaded by practicing medical oncologists, recognized and financed by the regional level by the Catalan Government (2009SGR321; 2014SGR740) and at national level by the Spanish Cooperative Research Thematic Network on Cancer (RD06/0020/0109; RD12/0036/0051). The group includes oncologists, biologists and technicians of the Medical Oncology Service and pathologists of the Pathology Service of the Hospital del Mar. Dr. Joan Albanell, is the Chief of the Medical Oncology Service at Hospital del Mar, and the coordinator of the Molecular Cancer Therapeutics research group. The group has four principal investigators (PI), all of them having clinical oncology activity and projects funded by the Spanish Government. Each PI leads research in a different cancer area (breast, colon, lung and bladder). The research is organized in three highly related and complementary sections: Preclinical Laboratory (leaded by Dra. Ana Rovira), Biomarker Laboratory (leaded by Dr. Federico Rojo), and Clinical Research and clinical trials (leaded by Dr. Ignasi Tusquets).
Members of our group are actively involved in clinical training of Medicine students and graduate and post graduate teaching activities (university masters and doctoral programs) at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Members of the group also participate as expert in field of health planning. They also participate in cooperative groups: GEICAM (breast cancer), TTD & GEMCAD (digestive cancer), GENO (brain tumors) and SOGUC (genito-urinary cancers).
The research strategy is based on: 1) Establish serial blood and tumor biopsies in patients with common tumor types before and after various therapies. 2) Preclinical studies in vitro and in vivo in the tumor types indicated above with various drug combinations and also generating resistance models. 3) To foster national and international collaborations to study our hypothesis from points 1 and 2 in large data or sample data sets as well as influence the design of clinical trials.