Useful Links
- IntOGen-mutations. A discovery tool for cancer researchers to find driver mutations in genes and pathways (
- DisGeNET. A discovery platform integrating information on gene-disease associations (GDAs) from several public data sources and the literature (
- PsyGeNET. PsyGeNET (Psychiatric disorders Gene association NETwork) is a resource for the exploratory analysis of psychiatric diseases and their associated genes. (
- Individualized Systems Medicine (ISM) in AML project (
- Target Inhibition Interaction using Maximization and Minimization Averaging (TIMMA) tool (
- BioMedBridges (FP7 project): The BioMedBridges consortium brings together the six established ESFRI infrastructures with common goals to define, implement and deliver data interoperability across the biological and biomedical domains (
- ELIXIR: Preparatory phase project (FP6), now a ratified international infrastructure including a large number of European countries (
- Patient Stratification (Danish Council for Strategic Research): The project combines molecular level disease systems biology data, genotype and biochemical healthcare sector data from individuals, and perform text mining of electronic patient records, biobank questionnaires and registry information.
- MetaHit (FP7 project): This project is on knowledge of the human genome and of the human metagenome, defined here as the ensemble of the genomes of human-associated microorganisms. The project focuses on the microorganisms of the gut, which are particularly abundant and complex and have an important role for human health and well-being (
- GenomeDenmark (Danish innovation Fund): Creating of a Danish reference genome by trio sequencing (
- Infrastructure: UCPH-CPR is partner in the recently acquired Danish life science dedicated supercomputer Computerome currently number 161 on the list. The infrastructure contains private cloud functionality for handling person sensitive data (
- DIRECT (IMI project): This project identifies biomarkers that address current bottlenecks in diabetes drug development and aims at developing a stratified medicine approach to treatment of ‘type 2 diabetes’ (T2D) with either existing or novel therapies (